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July 22, 2020

Tasty Vegetables that are Great for Dogs

Tasty Vegetables that are Great for Dogs

When looking at the ingredients in our Raw Dog meals, you may have spotted that we include fruit and vegetables. While our raw meals are mostly protein, dogs benefit from eating vegetables as well. Vegetables provide essential nutrients, antioxidants, and fiber. We already include some vegetables in our meals, but if you want to add a new more here are the best vegetables to feed your pup!


Broccoli stalks are a great veggie to feed your pup in small quantities. It helps fight cancer and arthritic inflammation in dogs. Chewing on the stalks is already a natural toothbrush! Be careful in feeding too much broccoli heads though as this can upset the digestive system and cause gas.


There’s a reason we include carrots in all of our Just Raw meals. They’re one of the best vegetables to feed your pet. Carrots are great for eyesight and are full of antioxidants that boost your pup’s immune system. They’re an excellent source of fiber and chewing on raw crunchy carrots is a great way to clean teeth. Just make sure your dog doesn’t choke on any pieces!

Green Beans

Green beans are a great vegetable to feed your dogs. They’re low calorie so they won’t contribute to weight gain, which is great for overweight dogs. Green beans are also high in fiber which aids in digestion and bowel regulations. They also have heart-healthy omega-3s!


Parsley does more than add some flavor to your dog’s meal. We include parsley in our raw meals as it’s a great source of potassium, which aids with joint and muscle health. It’s also a great breath-freshener!


If your dog suffers from digestion issues you should look into adding pumpkin to their diet. Pumpkin is high in fiber, which helps regulate bowels and digestion. Dogs seem to love pumpkin as well so it’s a win-win if you have a picky eater.


Spinach is a nutrient-rich vegetable which is why we include in our raw meals. It’s full of iron and magnesium as well as essential vitamins A, C, and E. Spinach can help fend off cancer, inflammation, and cardiovascular issues.

Dogs are naturally carnivorous, so you may be hesitant about introducing them to vegetables. While dogs don’t naturally need veggies, feeding them a few can fill holes in their diets since most aren’t on a full prey diet. That’s why we include around 5% of fruits and vegetables in our meals.

Be careful when feeding your dog vegetables. Veggies and fruits should only make up a small percentage of your dog’s diet.  We include a small amount in our raw meals already, so be careful when feeding them any additional ones. Always be sure to watch their digestion after introducing new foods.

Ready to start seeing the benefits of feeding your dog a raw food diet? Order today! We deliver all of our raw dog food meals and treats across Toronto.